Jméno Heslo

The Film

Making a documentary film on this topic meant for the film makers to go through the whole region again with the camera accompanied by Jan Krejčí and, to record the recollections of local inhabitants as well as the eyewitnesses – the participants of camps, to search for old photographs, video recordings and other authentic documents, which will bring the activities during the period of Jestřáb in this region closer to the audience.

Now at last, it has been possible to produce a set of publicity material, which can address at once a wide circle of people, unlike organizing individual outings in the past. It’s a DVD not only with a film about the trail of J. Foglar’s activities in this region, but also with a contemporary profile of Ledeč nad Sázavou and its close surroundings. The cover of the DVD contains a map of Ledeč area and on the reverse side, there is a plan of the outing circuit and a number of memorable places from Foglar’s books and a small brochure with detail description. In four of those places, there are new landmark boards with descriptions of the route. Every visitor to the Sázava area will be adequately informed, so that he can move about in this area without a proper guide.

SROP Fondy Evropské Unie Kraj Vysočina FOND VYSOČINY - fond na podporu rozvoje kraje Vysočina