Jméno Heslo

About The Project

Among the Jihlavan tourists and nature lovers, there is also an extraordinary and ardent supporter of J. Foglar – he is Ing. Jan Krejčí. For years he traveled with his cousin Tóny Stejskal to the places of Jestřáb camps. According to data in his books, memoirs and notes in chronicles, he was looking for the places where each story and event took place. He searched for eyewitnesses who could contribute with their personal recollections of events and recorded interviews with them. In the end he prepared somewhat a literal topography of the area of Sluneční bay. A greater part of the book “Devadesátka pokračuje” (The Ninetieth Continues) reveals that its action theme creates the culmination of perhaps the most well known Jestřáb’s long-lasting camp play Alvarez (played for the first time in 1942 just here at Sluneční bay), but it appears as well from the events described in Foglar’s autobiographies and in other sources. When he was at the end of this work, he visited Jestřáb personally and with the help of photographs and video recordings he proved the accuracy of his investigations. The latter did not verify all the data, but acknowledged with gratitude and joy the “Investigative” activity and offered him more valuable information. Jan and Tóny prepared a sort of outing circuit through this region with stopovers at memorable places and they invited a couple of their friends, too. They brought their friends to the places, where they carried out individual tasks of Alvarez – to the Měsíční potok, where the boys “looked for the cover in deep water”, to the bridge, from which they had to fish out the “moon stone from the bottomless abyss”, to the rock, where the small Dvojkařs tried to catch the key, the same way like once Rodrigo caught the key thrown from the top of the rock by Alvarez. The other stopovers were the places described in other sources – the stones in the river Sázava named “Státní písárny” (The State Counting House), “Zvonečková louka” (Bell-flower Meadow) with a secretive flower, the place of water games at Stvořidla called “Rejžák”, Ostrovský mlýn, where the boys hid at miller Kadanský their undercoats through the winter, a small boat and other requirements for camping, the house of Křivohlavýs in the village Veliká, where they found refuge during the war in 1941 “Tábor věrných”(“The camp of the trustworthy”), the seclusion at Kocanda where in 1942 the camp of Alvarez was, the so called, “Domečky“ – the buildings belonging to Sokol from Vinihrady, where the camps were held in the years 1943 and 1944 “Tábor strachu” (It was a “Camp of Fear”) and of course the Sluneční bay, where the camp was held eight times before the war and for the last time in 1945 “Tábor Svobody” (“The camp of freedom”). Jan had some copies of this literature with him and at every stopover he read a passage relevant to place to the participants of the outing. They were absolutely fascinated by this excursion with Jan, the word went round quickly and more and more interested people joined. The participants never forgot to send greetings to Mr. Foglar from their beloved region.

SROP Fondy Evropské Unie Kraj Vysočina FOND VYSOČINY - fond na podporu rozvoje kraje Vysočina